December 31, 2012

Thankyou and Goodbye, 2012! ♥

This will be a quick post since I am currently preparing for our Media Noche. I just want to thank God for giving me and my family another year. 

New year's resolution can be read all over the websites and other online posts but I thought of now having one. Each year, I just tell myself to be better than the year that past and to love more than I could. Oh well, if that will be called a resolution, then so be it. haha!

This year was full of twist and turns but all I know is that I am grateful and very much blessed for what God has given me. I may not have all that I want but I know that what I have is enough for me. I am also thankful for all the people surrounding me who became part of my 2012. 'Til next year, guys! :)

I just wish everyone a Happy New Year and let us be thankful for everything that we have and will soon be having. Let this another year be a symbol of more love, happiness, hope and courage for another year that God will bless us.


I will be posting my yearly look back maybe tomorrow. I just have to help mom prepare other stuffs for later's celebration :)


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