July 20, 2014

Lord, You are my Healer

Today, I am alone here in our house because I am sick since Friday. Thinking that I may not able to attend a mass later afternoon, I decided to find a Sunday TV Mass. At first, I wasn't able to find one. Maybe because I woke up at 8:00 am and it may be late for Sunday masses so I decided to just watch this dog feature at Solar News Channel. Lucky enough, after the program I was watching, a Sunday Mass started. 

The mass began and I watched and listened like the usual thing that I do every Sunday. The homily was about learning to choose between good and evil. The priest said that each of us must live like a lotus that lives in a dirty place but when its flower blooms, it is still pure white. 

Before the mass ended, the priest gave a short prayer to those watching from home. I close my eyes and just listened. He prayed for those who are suffering because of typhoon Glenda, those whose hearts are broken, and those who are sick. I prayed simultaneously with him. I called God and asked Him to heal me and my father completely. Suddenly, I felt like someone hugged me. There's this different warmth that I felt and then my tears run down. 

I don't know if it is just because I am sick or what but I want to believe it's God who hugged me to let me know that I am now healed. I am so glad that today, I had even a second physical encounter with Him. 

I believe that He is always listening to us, especially to our deepest prayers because He never failed to answer me. Indeed, Lord, You are my Healer, my Savior, my Father. Thank you for your unending love.

    Your loving daughter,

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